賀!恭賀本系同學錄取研究所 Congratulations! Congratulations to the students from AJSC who have been admitted to the graduate schools!

恭賀本系林筠臻錄取瑞士格里昂大學酒店管理學系碩士班、蔡鈞蕎錄取台灣師範大學大眾傳播研究所、何家惠錄取輔仁大學   哲學系碩士班。

Congratulations to our department’s Lin Yun-zhen for being admitted to the master’s program of the Department of Hotel Management at GLION University in Switzerland, Cai Jun-qiao for being admitted to the Institute of Mass Communication of National Taiwan Normal University, and He Jia-hui for being admitted to the master’s program of the Department of Philosophy at Fu Jen Catholic University.